farmermobil has its own research and development department, which is passionately committed to the further development of solutions for agriculture and mobile barns.
In addition to the production of our standard mobile barn, we now also specialize in offering customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each farm. No matter how complex the challenge, we are committed to making it all possible.
The Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences is accompanying a research project on a feeding trial with the modern dual-use Triesdorfer Landhuhn. Here farmermobil acts as a partner
We have developed the first mobile barn for rearing roosters together with Geflügelhof Südbrock.
In this barn, the needs of the roosters are met in an animal-friendly manner. Plenty of space and run contribute to their well-being.
“Do you have colors other than green or wood?” – sure! At the request of a customer, we built the STARTER-plus with pink panels. A real eye-catcher, isn’t it?
farmermobil makes everything mobile. Want to take your farm store to the weekly market?
No problem! This idea gave birth to our mobile farm store that can be driven from A to B as a trailer.
Exceptional conditions require exceptional solutions. A very challenging terrain at one of our customers required a new chassis for the STARZER-plus. So we developed a turntable mobile hen house with movable front axle.
A trade fair is always something special. Since at trade fairs is always particularly crowded and we want to give everyone the chance to take a look at our mobile hen houses, we have come up with something very special.
The problem: a hygiene sluice was missing at the entrance to the chicken run. The solution? A mobile hygiene sluice with hand basin and sufficient space to move.
We try to make everything possible. No matter if you want to have your mobile barn in a different color or if you are missing an additional window. For special occasions we also develop a completely individual mobile barn for you.
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